It's been way too long Since I have written anything! I am determined to try and do better. I started blogging on Myspace a couple years ago. It gave me great relief and comfort to write about the things that happened in my life. I'm sure know one else gives a rats ass about my life or kids, but it sure as hell makes me feel better!
So much has happened lately! Abigail joined us on 11-4-09. For those of you that don't know us, she made #4. We are "blessed" with 4 girls. This labor was different than my others. i wasn't even sure I was in labor for at least 1-2 hours. then my water started gushing (this is what I was used to) and I knew it was time. Off to the hospital we went and she was born at 0629.
We planned this pregnancy so I could have the holidays off! (Not really but is sure works out well for us)! That is the main drawback to me being a nurse. We are required to work so many holiday hours and can ask for certain shifts, but they schedule us as they need us. I haven't figured out how to get out of it for next year. JK I will tough it out like all my co-workers.
Things are still hectic at home though. I thought I would enjoy being home and would have so much time to super clean and decorated and plan Christmas. I guess I was on crack and forgot what having a newborn was really like. She sleeps when she wants and not when I need her too. She has no concerns for what I need to get done........ I secretly love it though. I love her big grayish eyes staring up at me (hopefully in 6mos or so we will know the real color!). I love that I can stay up late and nap on and off during the day. I, however, don't love the fact that I'm grumpy, tired, and dirty (showers, what are those again!).
Oh well I have since forgotten the path I was headed down when I started typing. I guess that means it is passed bed time and I probably need some rest for the long weekend ahead. I will try my best to write some gibberish every few days as the mood hits and time allows. I wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday season!