So the other day I'm talking to granny on the phone and she asked how the kids were doing (mind you she doesn't always remember how many we have, but she knows we have some!) I mentioned that most of the family had been sick with one thing or another and that the baby, Abigail, had her first fever a little over a week ago. She said she hoped we all got to feeling better soon, and that was it.....
The next day she calls and leaves me a message. She says that I need to give the baby some hot lemonade...why you may ask? Because hot lemonade will bring the measles out!! Apparently when my mom a baby and sick, someone told her to try hot lemonade. She tried it and it worked!! It brought the measles out so my mom could get better faster!! She said once the measle were out she would feel better and hopefully not have to deal with them ever again!
Why she thinks my baby has an underlying case of the measles is beyond me. That's what makes crazy granny so entertaining!! Guess she forgot that there was now something called a vaccination to keep kids from getting the measles! Got to love her!
I swear I'm going to write a book....I have stories for days.