Convo with a 3yo!

Warning...this is a potty training post!!
Madison is almost completely potty trained! We are very excited, but it tends to lead to some strange conversations. Most recently:

Madison: Mom i need to poop.
Me: Well lets go poop then.
Madison: Look mommy I pooped big ones! (this is very importatnt to her, she likes to report size!)
Me: good honey
Madison: Looks like daddy and kids.
Me: ok honey.......good
Madison: Looks like a daddy and kids.....looks like daddy's I pooed daddy and daddy!
Me: *speechless* do i respond to that!!

At Just the Right Moment

My mom was always there for me. No matter what.
(this is my favorite picture of the two of us)

I was going through a box of recipes that I have collected over the years. It had been packed away in storage and not found until recently. Buried in this recipe I found a sandwich bag full of newspaper clippings and cards with quotes on them. Once I open it up and started going through made me smile....and cry.

Once I grew up and was out on my own....things weren't always easy. My mom was not always one for words, but she always let me know she was thinking about me. She would cut articles out of the paper she knew I would enjoy. She would slip those quote cards into my purse for me to find on a random day. She was always thinking about me.

I wanted to share one of these quotes with you all....I think it's just what I needed today!

Daily Guide to Happiness
It is the greatest power on earth.
It is a God-given privilege.
It is the fountain of wisdom.
It is the source of power.
It is the road to happiness.
It is too short a day to be selfish.
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
It is the music of the soul.
It is the price of success.
It is the secret of security.

I'm not sure where this came from there is no author on the card. It spoke to me today. It helped me remember that she will always be with me, watching over me and my family.
My mom and dad on Taylor's christening day.
My mom as a child, one of my favorite pictures of her.

My Light

Let me start by saying, my girls mean the world to me. I love each and everyone one in ways I could never put into words. Even when they get on my nerves, I love that they are their own little people with their own personalities. Even if they rarely get along because of it!!

Abigail, the youngest has this power of me...I'm going to try and describe it!

She's not quite 1 yet, (< 2 weeks!!!) but she seems to know what I need. If I'm sad and depressed she cheers me up with her giggles and quick snuggles. When I'm mad and upset, she talks to me in her beautiful sing song voice. The way she says "Hi" is the cutest thing ever. I can't explain it, but I'm trying desperately to get a recording of it before she stops saying it like that.

I call her my light, my sunshine on a cloudy day. Things in this house can get stressful quickly. She is such a happy baby(except for at THIS moment!) She doesn't let much bother her and she tolerates her sisters quite nicely!!

She is growing up so quickly. She is already very independent. She likes to try and do everything herself. And when I say quick snuggles...thats all I get (but at least I get them!) She has never been a big snuggler...but she likes to lay her head down on my last about 5 sec then she is ready to move on. I enjoy those 5 secs and know that they won't be around long!

She's growing up so fast. There are days I wish time would stop or at least slow down so I can enjoy this time with her a little longer!!

I know I'm selfish...she deserves to grow up...but I guess that part of me that knows she is going to be our last baby...just wants to enjoy it a little longer!


I have been on vacation from work for almost a week. I figured that I would have ample time to catch up on my blogging....and I have, but my mind is blank. It's not there there is nothing there, but there is too much. And I'm having issues compartmentalizing. There is so much I want to say and do.... I'm off for another week...I'm going to work on this...or at least try!!