
I know I have blogged about time...or the lack thereof...before.

This time is going to be short and sweet. You see I had something in my head...an idea for a blog....but it's not there now...

It was about time...or how I manage my time (not well) or something.

Long story short, I have no clue....it might come to me, but who knows when.

If it does I will be sure to share.

In the meantime!! Don't let the time slip away from you. Do the things that are important to you...with out having to think of someone else first. I think this train of thought might be the only way to get anything done!!

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.....stay safe...and warm!!!


I am sitting here...too late..I should be in bed.
But Madison is up...and Kelly is up....so I too am up (I'm off tomorrow!)

And I'm bliping like crazy. (and drinking beer!) (((not always a good combo!!)))

It just hit me.....I love music...not that....but songs 'speak" to me.

I know I'm not the only one. But most songs reflect or can correct my mood.

I just listened to Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg. For some reason this song always makes me think of my high school boyfriend. I'm not sure why...we haven't ever run into each other in this fashion. I guess because he's the one  I thought I would be with (at least at the time).

Music can be weird that way. Not only does it spark memories, but can initiate feelings that have laid dormant forever....and really aren't associated with the song.

I love music though...I love the way it makes me feel, even when it makes me feel sad. 

Music is my muse!! I play it in some form all through the day. So many times I get to relive the past and sometimes....the future. 

What's your favorite song?
Does it have  special meaning to you or do you just like it?

I have so many questions....it's hard for me to narrow down mine, but I think my 2 favorites are Pink Who knew and Foo Fighters Best of You!!

Don't ask me to explain...not sure I could!