Music...Life...One and the Same

I have posted before how much music means to me. I know I'm not the only one.

All songs mean something to me.

I had a talk with Taylor over dinner tonight. She was telling me how much she likes that Bruno Marrs song Grenade...

I asked her if she understood it... she doesn't know how to listen....I mean really listen to the words.

So I told her I would teach her... Music is too important to me for my kids not to understand why.

My whole mood can be altered by what I'm listening to. I am very well rounded in music and I would like my kids to be too!!

She told me it can be her 'summer school' ...She really does want to learn!

Tomorrow...well later today!!!

I have been reading...around the internet.

There are many interesting things going on...

One in particular has given me an idea....

I need sleep and a clearer mind to go into detail....

So I will...In several hours....

I hope everyone has a great night sleep....or good morning depending on where your located.

I will be back...I will give more details...


I completely forgot.....

 I know there was something I wanted to discuss..... is distracting me....


I'm not really sure where to start.....

I guess I will start by spelling it out for you.....

Females, women, girls, anything with a vagina....

We are tied to our emotions...... It really is that simple.

If you have any intentions of having sex...or any intimate relations.....DO NOT PISS US OFF...

I swear this has nothing to do with anything in particular that is going on right now.

But I know my hubby has a hard time remembering this.

We will have a fantastic day...all is right with the world....and BAM....there he goes.....then he gets upset....doesn't understand why I have no interest.....

Maybe now he will get it....even though I have told him this over....and over...and over.....

Posting from my phone!

Alright....the pics I have so far from my hair are on my phone........ When I try to send them via text post...they won't go through! No clue how to fix this. I do know that sometimes I can't text pics to hubby with my Droid X. It says it resizes them automatically so that shouldn't be an issue. I never had these issues with my other Droid......
Oh well I guess I will take pics the old fashioned way and post them later!!

I know you all are waiting!! ;+)
Why won't my phone send my pictures???

Resolution Revolution part 2

Resolution revolution is in full swing!! If any of you missed it this year I am going to try and do more for me!! Not to be selfish, but to remember that I am important too. I don't have to spend all my time, energy, or money on the kids!

So far so good!! I recently got my hair cut..... I know that doesn't sound like much, but I usually only get it cut once or twice a year! Not only did I get it cut, but yesterday I got it cut even shorter!! Kelly wasn't crazy about the idea, but he is trying to be supportive!

I have also been playing with hair colors!! I started out with one of those temporary colors that wash out...I liked it at first...then as it faded it left my hair all streaky! So last week Kelly and I went shopping together to pick out a permanent one!! He even helped me color it last night!!

I really like it!

Hopefully in the next week I'm going to get back on Weight Watchers!! I'm going to incorporate it into our family's lifestyle. So often we all eat crap because it's easier! No more!! I am working more fruits and vegetables back into our palates. So far the kids are kinda surprised at what they like! Anyone have suggestions on how to increase veggie intake for kids?? I'm all ears.....

So far so good! I just hope I can keep it up! I have noticed little things, like I have more energy and have been in a better mood. Hubs and I are getting along better. We have been having regular date nights and that helps too! Until I got sick recently I was getting more housework done..... All in all it's a decent year so far!