When Taylor was a newborn, I used to think about how things would be when she got just a little older. "Won't it be nice when she can hold her head up, or sit up, or crawl." I was excited and happy for each milestone, but as soon as they happened I was ready for the next one. My mom kept telling me "don't rush it, it will happen fast enough." She was right. Taylor will be 10 in April and she already has the tween attitude. Where did my sweet little girl go?
Madison is 2 1/2 now. She has also grown up fast. With 2 big sisters she has strived to do what they do and be "independent" from a very young age. She has wowed our Dr by how fast she learned to speak, especially in full sentences. With a 5 year age difference between her and Taylor, she has always been the baby. Now she is a big sister and couldn't be happier. We however are just really starting to notice how much she really has grown up. It's been there it was just hard for us to see because she was the youngest.
Now here I am with Abigail, who is 5 weeks. She has already come a long way since her birth. She is very alert, likes to hold her own head up, and is starting to smile in response to us (not just the gassy smiles anymore!) This time around all I can think is let's not do this too fast. We have decided that since Abigail makes #4, we are done. There will be no more babies for us until we have grand kids (please lord let that be at least 10-15 years!) Now I'm scared she's going to grow up too fast and I'm going to miss it and not ever get to experience it again.
Brianna is our oldest and my stepdaughter. I was not regularly in her life until she was about 3. I am amazed every day at how much she has grown. She used to be a shy little girl with a terrible temper! I am awed by her every time she is with us at how far she has come. She is 9 1/2 and has also hit the tween age. She however is a well mannered, overly helpful child... for the most part. she still has a temper, but is learning to control it! We have all sorts of rivalry between Brianna and Taylor (they love each other dearly), but I will save that for future posts!
Enjoy your babies while you have the chance. Don't wish for them to grow up too fast. We can never get that time back, but will always have the memories (and pictures!) Take this holiday season to appreciate the wonders that o are our children, even if you do want to strangle them from time to time.