Resolution Renovation

I decided to take a different approach to making a resolution...and yes I said A resolution. Now I can't take credit for all of this myself....I got some helpful advice from some wonderful people like Jillian Michaels,  Bob Harper and a couple other TV personalities.

I have decided that this year is going to be about me! I am going to take more time for myself. I thought this was a good resolution that I could build on, one general goal that I can expand on during the upcoming year!!

So I started off small...kinda... I got my hair cut. This may not sound like much, but it had been over a year. I was actually thinking of cutting it myself. But I didn't! So Saturday afternoon while my girls and I were at the mall, I stopped in to get it done. I already new what I was going to do and they were able to take me right away!! It was like a huge weight was lifted!! I love it so much (Pictures to come!!) I am even thinking about taking it a little shorter! And don't get me wrong I loved my long hair, but I need a change. This week I'm hoping to play with the color!!

I know getting my hair cut doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's hard for me to find the time for little things like this. I know it doesn't take long, but I don't always have a lot of extra time/money for the little things sometimes!

Instead of just saying I'm going on a diet or going to exercise more. I'm going to expand on my All About Me philosophy!!  One of my first goals is making sure I drink plenty of water everyday. I feel so much better when I do. Once I get that down...I will expand...slowly...more fruits and veggies.....time on treadmill....etc.

This is the Year of Melissa.....and it's going to be a great one!!