It's been a long year!

I didn't even bother to check when I last posted anything. I have had so much to say and share, but no time with which to do it. I am going to work on this.

I am going to try and catch up and write more, I swear (I know I have said this before.)

Have I mentioned school starts in 1 day......1 day. This will be the first time that all 3 girls will be in school at the same time. I am sooooo excited! I mean I'm kinda sad that my last baby will be starting kindergarten......wait, nope, not sad at all. I can't wait to have some ME time. I am sure it will all be spent sleeping, but who cares. It will at least be uninterrupted kid free sleep!

I am also hoping to find more time to pick back up on my hobbies. Right now my office/craft room is a disaster area, but hopefully that will change soon.

Anyways, this will be a busy week.

Kelly is getting his port a cath implanted on Monday. Fingers are crossed he will tolerate the surgery well and not have any issues. He is having to be stuck multiple times for every treatment and his veins are just not holding up. He will also be starting a low dose chemo soon. I will explain more in another post.

I hope everyone is having a great summer. We haven't done much, but have tried to have fun none the less.