THE day!

I have been thinking a lot about the day my Hubby and I met! I was working at an insurance company, still living in Oxford, MS. I had broken up with a man i thought was the love of my life almost 2 months before. (that's a different story!) I had taken a part time job as a security guard at football / basketball games (at Ole Miss) to earn some extra pocket money! I had a horrible break up with my ex and had only really stay in oxford in hopes of a reconciliation.

Little did I know.....

My first night on the job I was to help out at a basketball game. As I was checking in and seeing where they wanted my for the evening!! I was told that this guy named Kelly would be in charge of me for the evening!

I took one look and that was all.... I knew it was meant to be. It was like we had known each other forever. I have always been one that has to get to know people before I open up and am truly myself around them. With him I felt comfortable immediately. I went home that night and told my roommate that I had met the man I was going to marry!

Little did I know at the time....that I would be right! We fought several obstacles to get where we are today. That is a story for another day. I will have to have permission to tell it. This June we will celebrate 5 years of marriage and November will mark 13 years since we met. It has been a long journey, but one I will never regret! I love you always!