If only you knew....

There are so many ideas running around in my head right now. If you only knew the half of them.

I got a new desk today!! I am super excited! It's a drawing/drafting desk. The top pops up for storage. It is perfect for both artwork and jewelry making!! I can't wait to get the garage cleaned up to make my new work space!

This leads me to all the other things I need to do. I need to finish unpacking boxes. I need to organize the clothes into seasons. I need to hang pictures. I need to....do you see a pattern here!

I feel so overwhelmed that I just don't know what to do. This this damn computer gets me locked in...It is a never ending battle!!

I am going to get off my ass and get to work though! So many great ideas in this head of mine and so little time!

Today I'm going to work on getting the Halloween and Christmas decorations from the garage to the attic....I need some cardio anyways!!

Oh No, It's almost here!

Well it's almost that time of year again! You know the one! Halloween was yesterday, so Christmas is around the corner!

I will admit that I do think it's a little early to start think about it, I have realized in a family our size I should have started months ago!! Now I have picked up a few odds and ends here and there, but nothing major. Money has been super tight this year! We are pinching pennies every which way we can, but I want my kids to have a wonderful Christmas (especially since mommy will have to work this one!)

I guess what I'm hinting at.....is I need help!! No I'm not asking for money!! ;) I would like help from you all in how you stretch your dollar. I am thinking that for extended family, it will be an art and craft year! I have several ideas (but appreciate any you may add!).

I can always make personalized jewelry, but even my family probably only wants so much of that. I have a few canvases I'm going to play with and see what happens. Who knows.....

So I would like as many ideas, as you all can come up with! We are working on our couponing skills and I am hoping this will help, but there are just somethings you can't find coupons for! But if you know of good coupons....please share that as well!

I will also take ideas on making extra money during the holidays!

Don't be shy...


I hate Change, I know we all do to some extent. I am just trying to get back into my blog and they have changed everything! So far I like a lot of it. I just feel lost.

Oh well, something new to learn....like I don't have enough of that in my life!!

Don't worry though it will not deter me from posting!!

I will conquer this change too!!

The Back Story! Part 2

I am now almost 4 weeks post op. I am getting stronger every day, but still am having issues with pain and discomfort, when I move wrong or over do it. But in good new, it's nothing like what I was experiencing pre-op!!

I was supposed to start my physical therapy last week to help strengthen my back before I go back to work. The lovely (easily confused) front desk women managed to lose the orders. I had the Dr's office re-fax it and have yet to hear back from them. I should have called my self, but we have had so much going on I haven't had the time.

That is what really sucks when something like this happens to you. Life goes on. Life doesn't stop when you are hurt, or sick.

I put off so much before my surgery, that we were bombarded after.

Note: This was a post I started several months ago and neglected to finish!! I decided it is time to move on. My back is better than ever.. why live in the past!!

It's been awhile!!

Catching up!!
So much has happened and I have neglected my blog. 

So here goes!!

Back is so much better!! My muscles get really tight, but if I could get my exercise routine back on I could fix that!

We moved!! Love our new house! It is actually smaller than our old one, but we fit into it better. The little girls now share a room and the older each have their own! They love this!!

I have lost around 25lb!!! This has been since around April. It started with not being able to fix food, or sit up to eat it, before my surgery. After surgery I had a great exercise routine going on until we moved!! Moving was good exercise in itself though!! I am trying to get back into it though!!

I am now a weekender at work!! I love it. I get to spend 5 days a week at home with my babies! Taylor really needs the extra help with school. I do miss them on the weekends, but I am hoping to get on weekend night so that I can still have some time with them on Saturdays!!

Well I guess that is the highlights!!!

I'm going to make it a point of being around more!! since I have all this FREE time and all!! ;)

Back Story...literally! Part 1

Hello everyone!!
As many of you all know, I have been having some pretty painful back issues. I would not wish this on anyone...no matter how much I dislike them! Today is 2 weeks post-op!! Woo Hoo!!

Back story: Around the first week of February I started having some mild, lower back pain. It didn't seem like anything too bad and I have a history of back pain from time to time. Before this time, it always resolved on it's own.
Well this time, it didn't. The pain started to get worse and then I started having pain in my left leg. This leg pain is called sciatica and is common with lower back injuries. I spoke to several of the doctors I work with and they all told me to try a steroid dose pack,  NSAIDS, and ibuprofen. They said hopefully in 4-6 weeks it should resolve itself.
Well 6 weeks later, my pain was worse and I was popping pills every 4 hours like clockwork...even in the middle of the night, to get any relief I could. I was hobbling around the best that I could. I could manage to get through work, but on my days off I was useless. It took those days to recover so that I could manage to go back to work. I finally called and made an appointment with a spine specialist.
He took some x-rays, I had an MRI and was diagnosed with DJD and a protruding disk. The DJD didn't surprise me, it's fairly normal, but the protruding disk, not so much.
It was nice to finally have an answer, to know that I wasn't crazy.
Now what to do about it....

I'm not Perfect...

That's it....that's all I have to say.

Who am I kidding....Like I could ever stop there.

I never claimed to be perfect. Yes, like most women I like to think I'm right most of the time...Who am I kidding...I usually am. =^}

I get fed up by trying to have discussions with people, when they don't listen. I don't care if I'm right or wrong. I just want the other person to take the time to listen. At least to try and understand my point of view.

I get very frustrated at having to repeat myself because someone can't take the time to listen. Especially when later it becomes an issue. I hate when I have taken the time to explain and discuss all sides of an issue, then later, be it days or weeks, the subject comes up again and it's like it's brand new. Seriously....

This issue affects more than one aspect of my life. I'm not bitching about anything in particular....or am I....

This is one of those things that I don't miss at all about work. as  nurse we spend a lot of time explaining what's going on. None of us mind doing it. As a matter of fact many of us enjoy it. But there is limit. You can't ask the same questions over and over again and expect a different answer. If you don't understand...tell us...maybe we need to explain it differently!!

This post really isn't about work....but it was a good example...I'm overwhelmed...I'm trying to do the best I can...

Don't get upset with me because you don't understand...Ask...if your willing to listen I will be happy to explain!

Bush said it well... Everything Zen (Unfinished)

This is a post I started back in Novemember 2010! I had a wonderful idea one night. Starting typing, got sidetracked....Like I often do....and the next day I had no clue where I was going with it! I have glanced at it every couple of months....still no clue. So here is the unfinished ramblings by yours truley! (maybe one of you all can figure it out!!)

"If you know the song, you know that Everything Zen is posed like a question.... and I for one can say that at the moment....everything is not Zen.

I love my family...with everything I have and everything I am. I just wish that....I could feel just a little of that in return.

I know that it is normal for a child to not appreciate everything their mother does for them."

Catching up!!

I know it has been awhile since I posted anything! You would think with all my issues and me not working at the moment I would have more time.

I just thought you all should know......I am working on several different posts. It's just hard to find the time to finish them!!

If I can get my computer to cooperate and upload my pics!! I will hopefully have one post ready this afternoon/evening!!!

Hope all is well with everyone!! I have lots of news to share!!!


My hubs seems to think he has some sort of connection...with a famous person.  One who I will not mention by name...

He is currently sitting here streaming on Ustream,....or whatever it's called.

Guess what he's streaming...you guessed it....my boobs....

I know he's proud of them and all but seriously....can't you find something better!!

I love him anyways!


I just don't get it. I spend 40% +/- of my time helping people. I'm a nurse and I love my job. I don't take a lot of time off. I actually like going to work...most days!

So the week I started planning in October... has turned into me being injured and sick... I just don't get it.

First I find out that I can't have all my time off (this was several weeks ago)...then I hurt myself and end up with sciatica going on week number 6. On my second day off, I developed a runny nose and it has been downhill from there.

All I wanted was a break, some time to spend with my family and maybe actually clean my house. I will still try to do the best I can, but lets face it...my motivation is out the window!

Pity Party Table of One

I'm having one of those days, you know what I'm talking about.

I just feel so alone sometimes. I know I'm not. I know there are many people out there who care about me. I know that I'm lucky to have married my best friend.

I just feel like I'm the one one who gets stuck doing most of the work.

I try to talk about it, but it doesn't always go over well. I think, he thinks I'm trying to put him down. I'm not, I don't want him to feel that way, but I would like him to try and understand how I feel.

I'm a very empathetic person. It is one of the many things that turned me to nursing. I always try to consider others feelings. Sometimes I do this too much. He always tells me not to get so close to my patients, but they are a part of me. They touch me, often in ways I never thought they could. My empathetic self tends to hurt me at home though. I seem to think that because I voice my feelings everyone else should understand them....but they don't....then I get upset.

I don't know what to do about this....I'm trying to handle it on a day by day basis, some days are better than others.

There is so much more I want to say, but I feel like now isn't the time. Pieces.....I will discuss in pieces..

PS: I do not like blogging on the laptop....I keep mis typing, my fingers are too short and stubby!!!

Music...Life...One and the Same

I have posted before how much music means to me. I know I'm not the only one.

All songs mean something to me.

I had a talk with Taylor over dinner tonight. She was telling me how much she likes that Bruno Marrs song Grenade...

I asked her if she understood it... she doesn't know how to listen....I mean really listen to the words.

So I told her I would teach her... Music is too important to me for my kids not to understand why.

My whole mood can be altered by what I'm listening to. I am very well rounded in music and I would like my kids to be too!!

She told me it can be her 'summer school' ...She really does want to learn!

Tomorrow...well later today!!!

I have been reading...around the internet.

There are many interesting things going on...

One in particular has given me an idea....

I need sleep and a clearer mind to go into detail....

So I will...In several hours....

I hope everyone has a great night sleep....or good morning depending on where your located.

I will be back...I will give more details...


I completely forgot.....

 I know there was something I wanted to discuss.....

YouTube.com is distracting me....


I'm not really sure where to start.....

I guess I will start by spelling it out for you.....

Females, women, girls, anything with a vagina....

We are tied to our emotions...... It really is that simple.

If you have any intentions of having sex...or any intimate relations.....DO NOT PISS US OFF...

I swear this has nothing to do with anything in particular that is going on right now.

But I know my hubby has a hard time remembering this.

We will have a fantastic day...all is right with the world....and BAM....there he goes.....then he gets upset....doesn't understand why I have no interest.....

Maybe now he will get it....even though I have told him this over....and over...and over.....

Posting from my phone!

Alright....the pics I have so far from my hair are on my phone........ When I try to send them via text post...they won't go through! No clue how to fix this. I do know that sometimes I can't text pics to hubby with my Droid X. It says it resizes them automatically so that shouldn't be an issue. I never had these issues with my other Droid......
Oh well I guess I will take pics the old fashioned way and post them later!!

I know you all are waiting!! ;+)
Why won't my phone send my pictures???

Resolution Revolution part 2

Resolution revolution is in full swing!! If any of you missed it this year I am going to try and do more for me!! Not to be selfish, but to remember that I am important too. I don't have to spend all my time, energy, or money on the kids!

So far so good!! I recently got my hair cut..... I know that doesn't sound like much, but I usually only get it cut once or twice a year! Not only did I get it cut, but yesterday I got it cut even shorter!! Kelly wasn't crazy about the idea, but he is trying to be supportive!

I have also been playing with hair colors!! I started out with one of those temporary colors that wash out...I liked it at first...then as it faded it left my hair all streaky! So last week Kelly and I went shopping together to pick out a permanent one!! He even helped me color it last night!!

I really like it!

Hopefully in the next week I'm going to get back on Weight Watchers!! I'm going to incorporate it into our family's lifestyle. So often we all eat crap because it's easier! No more!! I am working more fruits and vegetables back into our palates. So far the kids are kinda surprised at what they like! Anyone have suggestions on how to increase veggie intake for kids?? I'm all ears.....

So far so good! I just hope I can keep it up! I have noticed little things, like I have more energy and have been in a better mood. Hubs and I are getting along better. We have been having regular date nights and that helps too! Until I got sick recently I was getting more housework done..... All in all it's a decent year so far!

Handbook for 2011

My co-worker and friend Mendy shared this today. I thought it was wonderful and wanted to share it with all of you!! Hope you enjoy.


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2010.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile!

11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Eliminate negative thoughts and things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive and in the present moment.
13. Don't over do. Know your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake!
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are part of the curriculum; they appear and fade away but the lessons you learn last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day do something good for others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. For a learning experience spend some time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 8.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

Last but not the least:
40. Consider forwarding this 2011 message to everyone you care about as I just did.

Special Request!

A friend of mine is a HUGE Saints fan......did I mention HUGE!!! For Christmas I made her a bracelet in Saints colors!

She liked it so much she asked me to make her a necklace for the Saint's playoff game. I willingly accepted this challenge, even though she only gave me 3 days notice!! I don't usually work with yellow gold (I prefer silver tones so that's what I usually work with.) Here's what I came up with.

I hope she likes it!! She says she does ;) I enjoyed branching out of my comfort zone and trying something different! I even came up with some new ideas. 

Oh and did I mention I had to add a pair of matching earrings!

I'm even thinking of doing a whole line of sports inspired pieces!! (but don't tell anyone....It's my idea!!)

Resolution Renovation

I decided to take a different approach to making a resolution...and yes I said A resolution. Now I can't take credit for all of this myself....I got some helpful advice from some wonderful people like Jillian Michaels,  Bob Harper and a couple other TV personalities.

I have decided that this year is going to be about me! I am going to take more time for myself. I thought this was a good resolution that I could build on, one general goal that I can expand on during the upcoming year!!

So I started off small...kinda... I got my hair cut. This may not sound like much, but it had been over a year. I was actually thinking of cutting it myself. But I didn't! So Saturday afternoon while my girls and I were at the mall, I stopped in to get it done. I already new what I was going to do and they were able to take me right away!! It was like a huge weight was lifted!! I love it so much (Pictures to come!!) I am even thinking about taking it a little shorter! And don't get me wrong I loved my long hair, but I need a change. This week I'm hoping to play with the color!!

I know getting my hair cut doesn't sound like a big deal, but it's hard for me to find the time for little things like this. I know it doesn't take long, but I don't always have a lot of extra time/money for the little things sometimes!

Instead of just saying I'm going on a diet or going to exercise more. I'm going to expand on my All About Me philosophy!!  One of my first goals is making sure I drink plenty of water everyday. I feel so much better when I do. Once I get that down...I will expand...slowly...more fruits and veggies.....time on treadmill....etc.

This is the Year of Melissa.....and it's going to be a great one!!