If only you knew....

There are so many ideas running around in my head right now. If you only knew the half of them.

I got a new desk today!! I am super excited! It's a drawing/drafting desk. The top pops up for storage. It is perfect for both artwork and jewelry making!! I can't wait to get the garage cleaned up to make my new work space!

This leads me to all the other things I need to do. I need to finish unpacking boxes. I need to organize the clothes into seasons. I need to hang pictures. I need to....do you see a pattern here!

I feel so overwhelmed that I just don't know what to do. This this damn computer gets me locked in...It is a never ending battle!!

I am going to get off my ass and get to work though! So many great ideas in this head of mine and so little time!

Today I'm going to work on getting the Halloween and Christmas decorations from the garage to the attic....I need some cardio anyways!!

Oh No, It's almost here!

Well it's almost that time of year again! You know the one! Halloween was yesterday, so Christmas is around the corner!

I will admit that I do think it's a little early to start think about it, I have realized in a family our size I should have started months ago!! Now I have picked up a few odds and ends here and there, but nothing major. Money has been super tight this year! We are pinching pennies every which way we can, but I want my kids to have a wonderful Christmas (especially since mommy will have to work this one!)

I guess what I'm hinting at.....is I need help!! No I'm not asking for money!! ;) I would like help from you all in how you stretch your dollar. I am thinking that for extended family, it will be an art and craft year! I have several ideas (but appreciate any you may add!).

I can always make personalized jewelry, but even my family probably only wants so much of that. I have a few canvases I'm going to play with and see what happens. Who knows.....

So I would like as many ideas, as you all can come up with! We are working on our couponing skills and I am hoping this will help, but there are just somethings you can't find coupons for! But if you know of good coupons....please share that as well!

I will also take ideas on making extra money during the holidays!

Don't be shy...