Just Plain Cruel

I will start off with a confession. We order pizza...a lot. I always save the coupons that come attached to the pizza boxes, because sometimes they are better than the online coupons.

So the last two times I have ordered pizza I have been screwed. The week of Christmas we ordered and the coupons had expired on 11-30-09. Seriously...what is that about?

Earlier this week we ordered from a completely different restaurant. I was excited because they had a great "family" coupon. We tried to order using the coupon last night (I told you we order pizza a lot!) and I get the message, "this coupon is not valid at this location."
So in other words I can't use the coupon at the same store from which I got it?? How does this make sense.

What is the purpose of giving us these coupons of we can't use them. I don't want your trash. If I can't do anything with them I don't want them in my house. The last thing we need is more random paper laying around, it's already starting to take over.

Thanks for letting me rant...