Special visitor

As many of you all may know I have not been on top of my schedule at work! I have managed to work Easter and Mother's Day. I am scheduled to work my Bday, anniversary and my 3yo's Bday....

Anyways, as I was pouting around work on Mother's Day my terrific hubby decided to bring the kids to eat lunch with me!! This was wonderful news, because I was having a stressful day.

My hubby and kids arrive and I go out to tell them that i'm going to be a few minutes!! (Code Brown!) Taylor is asking over and over again "why would someone put a paper towel up there?" as she is staring at the ceiling!

It seems she had noticed this brown thin sticking out of the ceiling and had asked daddy what it was... he answered, it looks like a paper towel, just forget about it. Well of course seeing as how she's my child...she can't get over anything until she has an answer!

So now I'm standing here staring at this brown thing in the ceiling. And i noticed that it was not a paper towel as my husband had thought....unless of course paper towels have eyes!!!

It seems we had a little visitor trying to take a nap in the hallway!! Unfortunately the pictures aren't the best, because they were taken with my phone, but I think you can see it pretty clearly!!

The bat was rescued from the ceiling and let go outside.....It was sweet of him to visit, but time for him to go...